Banesa Gardens i Maseru

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Maseru, Lesotho
Kontakter telefon: +266 2832 1422
Latitude: -29.3441922, Longitude: 27.5723355
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Kommentar 2

  • Lehlohonolo Chefa

    Lehlohonolo Chefa


    Lack of customer care and respect add to that a very rude old owner. I booked the place for my wedding reception. Paid 6 months in advanced told them to maintain the access road prior to the wedding. Agreed and went on to do other preparations. Two days before the wedding I get a call from Banesa Gardens telling to request my quests to come to the wedding on four wheel drives because they had not been able to work on an access road. Water coming down from the fields was also flooding the reception area and their solution was to put sandbags by the table where the wedding party shall be seated. I had to look for an alternative venue with less than 24 hours before the event. If you are looking for disappointment and lack of professionalism take your event to Banesa Gardens.

  • pitzo p

    pitzo p


    breathing freshness...

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