Lakeview guesthouse i Maseru

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Maqalika Airport Road, Maseru 100, Lesotho
Kontakter telefon: +266 2233 6606
Latitude: -29.2907933, Longitude: 27.5120418
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Kommentar 5

  • Aubrey Rakabe

    Aubrey Rakabe


  • Kotelo Motseko

    Kotelo Motseko


  • Riedwaan Daniels

    Riedwaan Daniels


    Not your upmarket B&B, but clean facility at reasonable cost. Could be better sign-posted for direction with about 500 meters of gravel from the tar road, but good condition. Access control through electric gate and visible security. Free WiFi, although coverage at certain areas poor. Friendly Staff, especially Me' Mpho at reception. Ample parking and also has conferencing facility. Rooms has small fridge, heater, microwave and kettle with coffee/ tea. Can supply additional 2 point plugs on request. No telephone facility in rooms. Approximately 10 Km's from town and CBD.

  • Ruari Jansen

    Ruari Jansen


    Arrived to find room had not been cleaned. 2 hours later room had still not been cleaned. No towels were provided. No toilet paper was provided. After asking for towels several times on the second day of our stay we recieved wet towels. There was no water pressure for the 3 days we were there. The toilet leaked. We had no hot water only to find out the cleaning staff were coming into the room and switching off the water at the mains while they were cleaning but then not switching it back on. While the staff where very friendly and helpful to an extent i would not recommend thid guest house ..especially if you have we did.

  • Malley Taoana

    Malley Taoana


    Its the most clean and comfortable guest house.

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