LNDC Shopping Centre i Maseru

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Maseru, Lesotho
Kontakter telefon: +266
Latitude: -29.3136294, Longitude: 27.4793131
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Kommentar 5

  • Bravo Ninja

    Bravo Ninja


    Convenient mall with banking facilities and shops that will cater to everyday needs. There is also a variety of fast food outlets.

  • Masekoala Molapo

    Masekoala Molapo


    Shop assistant at the till very friendly and helpful She helped me with a smile even though I was slow in finding money from my bag and that had held the line long At other times and elsewhere I would have been told , impatiently with a harsh voice, to hurry up and led the queue to flow well

  • Tumelo serutla

    Tumelo serutla


    I only like their parcking. But enough shops nah.

  • Lehlohonolo Chefa

    Lehlohonolo Chefa


    There isn't much shopping except for supermarket and parking is paid for. It is not guaranteed that you will get parking space between 9:00 and 16:00 during the week. Even if you are lucky to get one be very careful as other drivers tend to park behind parked cars and Management of the Centre must address this problem

  • Francis Seme

    Francis Seme


    This is nice shopping area. It's save and easily accessible

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