Maseru Mall i Maseru

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Maseru, Lesoto
Kontakter telefon: +266 2231 8221
Latitude: -29.3362383, Longitude: 27.4837555
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Kommentar 5

  • Esther Fobo

    Esther Fobo


    Everything you need in one place no fuss no going round in circles

  • Ruth Rapholo

    Ruth Rapholo


    Packing was sooo packed. Good and clean premises. Nice dining at Wimpy

  • Joachim Boko

    Joachim Boko


    Small, but awesome!

  • Hazel Motha

    Hazel Motha


    Beautiful mall, loads of eating outlets to choose from. I ate at Primi, great steak fillet this was made to my perfection. Enjoyed the environment, chilled vibes. The mall itself is big and the mountain behind the mall that is mind blowing well at least for me it was...absolutely enjoyed it!!!

  • delrine prithiviraj

    delrine prithiviraj


    Many choices for fast food. A place to chill. The music is great

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