Renaissance i Maseru

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Pioneer Road, 100, Maseru, Motheo, LS Lesotho
Kontakter telefon: +266 2232 7001
Latitude: -29.3165108, Longitude: 27.4775839
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Kommentar 5

  • Patrick Michael Bands

    Patrick Michael Bands


    Nice atmosphere with interesting African art on the walls.

  • Lehlohonolo Chefa

    Lehlohonolo Chefa


    They have the best stairfry in town. Poor service or management will surely bring this place to its knees. They have good food but their service is appalling. But the place is good for coffee and quick bites

  • Consumers Protection Association

    Consumers Protection Association


    Great place but poor service

  • Abhishek Ranjan

    Abhishek Ranjan


    Good cafe where one can get nice food at an affordable price. Quality of item prepared at this cafe is good as well.

  • Bale Malee

    Bale Malee


    Renaissance is a good restaurant but is very sloppy if you ask me. And I honestly blame Management. Tile floors were out and cracked when we went there. I ordered three different types of food and was told that something was either not available or would take about an hour or two to get ready. I then ordered something very simple and actually paying more than I felt I should have. This restaurant is a brilliant idea but the workers altogether are very sloppy.

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