AVANI Lesotho Hotel & Casino i Maseru

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Hilton Road, Maseru 100, Lesotho
Kontakter telefon: +266 2224 3000
Hjemmeside: www.minorhotels.com
Latitude: -29.3186402, Longitude: 27.4888159
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephane McKissick

    Stephane McKissick


    I loved it here! The staff is amazing! Customer service is superb. There are a variety of restaurants here with quality food. I stayed here for 3 weeks and enjoyed each day here!

  • Bravo Ninja

    Bravo Ninja


    Awesome hotel with friendly staff and service. Rooms are neat and well equipped. Casino downstairs is small but welcoming. Great views of the Lesotho mountain range from the West facing rooms

  • Bale Malee

    Bale Malee


    For the most part of it, Lesotho Sun, now called Avani Lesotho, is the best Hotel for you stay in Maseru. It has been stripped off its old paralyzing and slow thinking and put in par with modern, luxurious hotels around the world. It's location is very exclusive - on top of a hill that overlooks the city of Maseru, so that should be a pretty good view at night if you want to have a good, classy night out. I mean, the Management don't even have to tell you to wear anything from Smart Casual to Formal because the environment of the place does the most talking. They have the best Chinese Restaurant in there called Ying Tao Grill/Restaurant. You would never go wrong to go there with your partner or your family. I've been there for over 7 times now and I'm still a fan. The food is fresh, hot from the stove. You can even get Personal Chef with your table surrounding his stove and watch him do his tricks and serve you the food extremely hot/warm delish. Avani Lesotho is extremely neat and the service is top-class. A few shortfalls here and there but they're seriously not deal breakers. However, be sure to be warned that the Hotel has been bought by Sun International so you know it comes with a price tag depending on the room you want to stay in, how long you want to stay and the things you want to do while you're there.

  • Ruan Wannenburg

    Ruan Wannenburg


    Maseru has 2 Avani hotels. Make sure you confirm it's the one " on top of the hill". This hotel has been there for a long time but still a stylish hotel, rooms are small and sparse on amenities. Insist on getting a room with a view, it makes all the difference at this hotel. Large, well equipped gym for the mornings and a fun Casino for the evenings.

  • Esmé Crous

    Esmé Crous


    Awesome place with a great atmosphere. Staff is friendly and helpful. Rooms are very comfortable.🥇

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