AVANI Maseru Hotel i Maseru

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12 Orphan Road, Maseru 100, Lesoto
Kontakter telefon: +266 2231 2434
Hjemmeside: www.minorhotels.com
Latitude: -29.315719, Longitude: 27.473393
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Kommentar 5

  • Don Mac Dougall

    Don Mac Dougall


    Overall Greatly improved.breakfast is still a problem.

  • Mpho Molise

    Mpho Molise


    The service and the food are amazing, your oxtail is the best. Keep up the good work guys.

  • Kwaitos Vantya

    Kwaitos Vantya


    Hospitality, the Basotho people, environment it's so great and exceptional

  • Esmé Crous

    Esmé Crous


    Friendly staff and great atmosphere. Comfortable rooms.

  • Tasho Makunike

    Tasho Makunike


    The hotel has a great location with terrific views and a lot of great amenities though most of them could do with a lick of paint. The staff are friendly though not particularly helpful. It took more than twelve hours and 6 staff to get a replacement key card and get moved to a different room. The food is quite forgettable.

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